Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What Is Java Computer Programming Language
Java is a computer programming language. It enables programmers to write computer instructions using English-based commands instead of having to write in numeric codes. It’s known as a high-level language because it can be read and written easily by humans. Like English, Java has a set of rules that determine how the instructions are written. These rules are known as its syntax. Once a program has been written, the high-level instructions are translated into numeric codes that computers can understand and execute. Who Created Java? In the early 90s, Java, which originally went by the name Oak and then Green, was created by a team led by James Gosling for Sun Microsystems, a company now owned by Oracle. Java was originally designed for use on digital mobile devices, such as cellphones. However, when Java 1.0 was released to the public in 1996, its main focus had shifted to use on the internet, providing interactivity with users by giving developers a way to produce animated web pages. However, there have been many updates since version 1.0, like J2SE 1.3 in 2000, J2SE 5.0 in 2004, Java SE 8 in 2014, and Java SE 10 in 2018. Over the years, Java has evolved as a successful language for use both on and off the internet. Why Choose Java? Java was designed with a few key principles in mind: Ease of Use: The fundamentals of Java came from a programming language called C. Although C is a powerful language, it is complex in its syntax and inadequate for some of Javas requirements. Java built on and improved the ideas of C to provide a programming language that was powerful and simple to use.Reliability: Java needed to reduce the likelihood of fatal errors from programmer mistakes. With this in mind, object-oriented programming was introduced. When data and its manipulation were packaged together in one place, Java was robust.Security: Because Java was originally targeting mobile devices that would be exchanging data over networks, it was built to include a high level of security. Java is probably the most secure programming language to date.Platform Independence: Programs need to work regardless of the machines theyre being executed on. Java was written to be a portable and cross-platform language that doesnt care about the operating system, hardware, or devices t hat its running on. The team at Sun Microsystems was successful in combining these key principles, and Javas popularity can be traced to it being a robust, secure, easy to use, and portable programming language. Where Do I Start? To start programming in Java, you first need to download and install the Java development kit. After you have the JDK installed on your computer, theres nothing stopping you from using a basic tutorial to write your first Java program. Heres some more information that should be helpful as you learn more about the basics of Java: How to Use Comments in JavaWhat Is a Java Parameter?What Are Java Declaration Statements?What Is a Java Method Signature?Java Is Case SensitiveWhat Does Aggregation Mean in Java?
Monday, December 23, 2019
Use Of Rational Emotive Imagery ( Rei ) - 1518 Words
Therapists also address the emotional problems and solutions with the client. A tool they use to do this is called Rational Emotive Imagery (REI) (Corey, 2013. p 275). What REI entails is a client imagining a very disturbing circumstance during therapy, and describing the emotions to the therapist. The therapist then teaches the client how to change negative and irrational emotions to positive ones. The client and therapist can also role play a difficult situation. They practice these techniques so when a situation comes up in real life, the client is equipped to handle the situation in an emotionally rational way (Nesbit, 2015). Shame attacking exercises are another important component to addressing irrational emotional beliefs. Ellis believed that we ought to refuse to feel ashamed because this is where a lot of limiting thoughts and emotions stem from. Getting rid of feelings of shame takes the form of homework. A client is instructed to act in a foolish way in public until they realize that people are generally uninterested in others’ foolish comments, appearances, etc. (Corey, 2013 p 274) REBT, of course, addresses the behavioral component in therapy as well. The tools that address behavior have largely already been discussed. For example, in cognitive homeworks, the client is instructed to change a behavior and the thoughts about that event. Other behavioral skills clients and therapists work to build is the ability to relax oneself (Corey, 2013. p 276) and grantingShow MoreRelatedRational Emotive Behavior Therapy1605 Words  | 7 PagesRational Emotive Behavior Therapy Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy created by Albert Ellis. REBT was one of the first types of cognitive therapies and was first called rational therapy. In 1959 the name was changed to Rational Emotive Therapy and did not get its current name, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, until 1992. REBT is based on believing that feeling upset is not caused by an event but rather our beliefs toward the event that upsetsRead MoreThe Goals Of The Group Therapy987 Words  | 4 Pagesnot cause our problems, but their understanding of these events causes their problems. Through group sessions, members acquire the knowledge to discriminate between irrational thinking and rational thinking. Next, members become skilled at replacing unproductive ways of thinking with effective and rational cognitions. Through the group process, members are taught to stop absolutistic thinking, blaming, and repeating false beliefs. Finally, members are required to be committed and to put intoRead MoreCounselling Report on Depression2568 Words  | 11 Pagesunconditional positive regard for Mei Ling that is where Mei Ling will feel warmth, liking and the respect for the acceptance of what she is. The counsellor empathically understands Mei Ling’s internal frame of reference. In additio n, the counsellor uses attending behavior such as eyes contact, learning forward, not crossing her arms and legs when talking or listening to Mei Ling’s problems. Approach The person-centered approach maintains that three core conditions provide a climate conduciveRead MoreCounselling Report on Depression2559 Words  | 11 Pagesunconditional positive regard for Mei Ling that is where Mei Ling will feel warmth, liking and the respect for the acceptance of what she is. The counsellor empathically understands Mei Ling’s internal frame of reference. In addition, the counsellor uses attending behavior such as eyes contact, learning forward, not crossing her arms and legs when talking or listening to Mei Ling’s problems. Approach The person-centered approach maintains that three core conditions provide a climate conducive toRead MoreA Healthy And Strong Toolbox Of Coping Strategies Essay1620 Words  | 7 Pagestools and strategies to be able to do just that. In turn, having coping mechanisms for when I am impatient or stressed would help me maintain a more relaxed and fulfilled life. Techniques. I learn best by having tangible and concrete experiences to use as examples. Therefore, I think that the techniques associated with CBT would be quite impactful because a majority of them are centered around psychoeducation and kinesthetic interventions. A very uncomfortable yet useful technique would be Stress
Sunday, December 15, 2019
BADM 3601 †Operations Management Assignmen Free Essays
Caroline Walsh BADM 3601 – Operations Management Assignment # 4? Due: Monday November 12th ? 5:00 PM (a)  A study? aid desk manned by a graduate student has been established to answer student’s questions and help in working problems in your OM course. The desk is staffed eight hours per day. The dean wants to know how the facility is working. We will write a custom essay sample on BADM 3601 – Operations Management Assignmen or any similar topic only for you Order Now Statistics show that students arrive at a rate of four per hour, and the distribution is approximately Poisson. Assistance time averages 10 minutes, distributed exponentially. Assume population and line length can be infinite and queue discipline is FCFS. Using this information, answer the following questions. i. Calculate the percent of utilization of the graduate student P= 4/6 = 2/3 = . 6667 percent utilization ii. Determine the average number of students in the system ?= 4 per hour ?= 6 students helped an hour Ls= 4/ 6-4 = 4/2 = 2 students in the system on average. iii. Calculate the average time in the system Ws= 1/ 6-4 = ? = . 5 hours average time in the system iv. Find out the probability of four or more students being in line or being served P0= 1 – 4/6 = 1- 2/3 = . 33 probability that there are 4 or more students being in line or being served. . Before a test, the arrival of students increases to five per hour on the average. ?Compute the average number of students waiting under this scenario. Lq= 4^2 / 6 (6-4) = 16/ 12= 1. 33 student waiting in line on average. (b)  What are the three characteristics of a waiting? line system? 1. Arrivals or inputs to the system: these have characteristics such as population size, behavior, and a statistical distribution. 2. Queue discipline, or the waiting line itself: characteristics of the queue include whether is it limited or unlimited in length and the discipline of people or items in it. . The service facility: its characteristics include its design and the statistical distribution of service times. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Question 2. Radovilsky’s Department Store in Haywood, California, maintains a successful catalog sales department in which a clerk takes orders by telephone. If the clerk is occupied on one line, incoming phone calls to the catalog department are answered automatically by a recording machine and asked to wait. As soon as the clerk is free, the party who has waited the longest is transferred and serviced first. Calls come in at a rate of about 12 per hour. The clerk can take an order in an average of 4 minutes. Calls tend to follow a Poisson distribution, and service times tend to be exponential. The cost of the clerk is $10 per hour, but because of lost goodwill and sales, Radovilsky’s loses about $25 per hour of customer time spent waiting for the clerk to take an order. ?= 12 ? = 15 (a) What is the average time that catalog customers must wait before their calls are transferred to the order clerk? Wq= 12/ 15 (15-12) = . 2667 average time to wait before transferred (b) What is the average number of callers waiting to place an order? Lq = 12^2 / 15 (15- 12) = 3. 2 average number of callers waiting to place an order (c) Radovilsky’s is considering adding a second clerk to take calls. The store’s cost would be the same $10 per hour. Should it hire another clerk? Explain your decision. Yes they should hire another clerk because the customer average wait time and average number of callers waiting to place an order indicate that a second representative is needed. How to cite BADM 3601 – Operations Management Assignmen, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Business Communications Write an Effective Business Email
Question: Discuss about the Business Communications for Write an Effective Business Email. Answer: Introduction Do you people ever feel that you have been underappreciated for the ideas or performances you have delivered? What could be the reason behind that? Partial Behaviour, Yes, may be sometimes but not every time. What I feel is, the strong reason behind this could be that sometimes we are not able to communicate effectively and convey our message to its full potential. I will be talking about effective business communication today with the main concern on how to write an effective email for business purposes. You people already know the importance of emails in business and many of you must be aware of the basics. Today I will enhance your knowledge on the same which might help you be gain effective outcome from your emails. Like I, some of you might have tried to search out best methods to impress your bosses, but possessing a hunger to grab attention I have researched little more on the same. The main topics that I will cover up today are General Etiquette Organization of an email Form and tone of the messages Now I will start convincing you on the proper etiquettes for writing your business emails (Angell Heslop 2014). Transition: Let me begin with the very first point General Etiquettes General Etiquettes you must follow while sending an Email Be sensible and aware of the mail you are forwarding (Azar 2011) You must try to identify that the email you are sending does not contains any kind of viruses which could harm the receivers system (Shmerling 2006). For example: If your system is injected with some kind of viruses such as Trojan or others it could append with the email you are sending as internet catches the viruses easily (Killen Killen 2012). The messages should not be altered which are being forwarded or reported. Every message must be read very carefully before you click on the send button. Proofreading should be done at least twice to check for any grammatical errors or punctuation errors (Lester 2007). The names spellings must be double-checked (Hugh Pollard 2008) Signature block must be checked in case you are replying, as be sure message is sent to Catharine and not Kathryn or Kathy. Date, Times and their combinations must be checked carefully For example: If any meeting has been mentioned in the email, be sure of checking the date and time Every hyperlink included in the email must be tested. Be sure that the hyperlink is accurate and active (Hugh Pollard 2008). Proofread your paragraphs backwards This helps to catch incomplete sentences in the email by disassociating you from the actual content. Be sure of indicating the Time Zone (In case receptor is in different time zone). For example: If you have mentioned in the mail that Meeting has been scheduled at 10 a.m. then a confusion should not be there about the zone as whether 10a.m. according to Eastern Time or Pacific Time (Lannon 2007). Transition: Now I have informed you about the General Etiquettes. Lets come to the second point Parts of an email. Organization of an email How to greet while sending a business email Using a name while greeting (Moore 2004) It should help in developing a connection amid you and reader Impresses the reader in a professional way Decision for title (Marr 2004) If a formal mail: Use Ms or Mr. Example: Ms Smith If informal: Just use the first name Example: Hello Rachel If casual mail: Do not use any title just full name of the person Closing Words Choice (Hugh Pollard 2008) The best and commonly used is Regards. Also Sincerely is preferable. Use of Punctuation Comma after closing is must Example: Regards, Information regarding signature blocks (Hugh Pollard 2008) Do not use more than four to five lines Should be positioned at the last This helps receiver to find you and they can trace you even the message was forwarded one. Spacing Space while Greeting (Siedle 2006) A double space must be given amid message and the greeting Spacing the main body of the message space amongst line in a single paragraph is single line spacing Two paragraphs must be separated using double line space Paragraphs must not be indented Double line spacing amid closing and last sentence Space while closing Double line spacing amid beginning of the signature block and closing. Single line spacing inside signature block paragraph. Subject Line Importance of Subject Line It grabs the users attention for whether to read the mail or not and how important the mail is. Purpose of Subject Line Helps reader to know what the message is about, by just a simple glance. Acts as a gatekeeper Ensuring email is opened (Siedle 2006) Use good choice of words. Be clear and concise Example: Our Next Steps Do not make any mistakes in grammar and spelling Transition: Now moving to the last but not least main point of todays speech which is the most important part of my training session today. Form and Tone of the messages in the mail Compose a logical mail and maintain a flow Be clear and concise Intention should be written properly and in simple words. Use modern words instead of formal For example: use Attached is instead of Attached hereto please find Do not use unfamiliar words and try to eliminate ambiguity. Do not use long phrases For example: use Now instead of At this point of time Be complete Check every point of information has been included or not Such as: How? Why? When? Where? What? Who? (VanHuss 2007). Be courteous Your words should display a caring attitude and good manners A pleasant and positive tone must be included whenever possible Such as: Your package could not be delivered before 1st May is a negative tone. Use Your package will be delivered as soon as possible after 1st May instead. Use passive voice for communicating bad news Be concrete yet Convincing (Siedle 2006) Mention specific details Use exact fact and figures Use language that is believable Support your own arguments with your point of view Use Bullet Points (Wadsworth 2009) To highlight the important information in the mail To communicate in a concise and clear manner Transition: Now concluding my session for today. Conclusion In this session we have learned about General Etiquettes of writing an effective business mail. Then we learned about organizing different parts of the mail and then it was about tone in your email message. The main idea was to gain maximum from your message in case it is related to some kind of business deals. These skills will help you to convince your reader of the mail to think about your proposal if it about convincing and will also help you to make a good and long lasting impression on the reader. The reader might be convinced to not to ignore any mail which is under your name. So this was all for todays session. I hope you all get a general idea on writing a convincing mail. I can see already some of you are in hurry to draft your first effective email. Goodbye and good luck. References Eunson, B. (2004). Writing and Presenting Reports, Wiley Sons, Brisbane. Angell, D. Heslop, B. (2014). The Elements of E-Mail Style: Communicate Effectively Via Electronic Mail, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts. Azar, B. (2011). Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Killen, R. Killen, A. (2012). Report Writing, Hunter Educational Services, Newcastle, NSW. Lannon, J. 2007, Technical Writing, 7th edn, Longman, New York. Lester, J. D. 2007, Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, 5th edn, Scott, Foresman Co. Glenview, Illinois. Marr, N. (2004), Effective Workplace Writing. CSU Organisational Development. Mc Hugh, S. Pollard, J. (2008). Pitman Business Communication, Pitman, Melbourne. Moore, R. (2004). High-Impact Business Writing: Program Workbook (for video), CareerTrack, Boulder, Colorado. Searles, G. J. (2009). Workplace Communications: The Basics, Allyn Bacon, Boston. Shmerling, L. (2006). Communication in the Workplace, Macmillan, South Melbourne. Siedle, R. (2006). Writing for Business Success, Prentice Hall, Sydney. Smith, D. A. Sutton, H. R. 2014, Powerful Proofreading Skills: Tips, Techniques and Tactics, Crisp, Menlo Park, California. State Services Commission (2009). Write It Right: Better Business Letters for Australians, Shepp Books, Sydney. VanHuss, S. H. (2007). Basic Letter and Memo Writing, 2nd edn, South-Western Publishing Co, Cincinatti. Wadsworth, Y. (2009). Do It Yourself Social Research, Victorian Council of Social Service Melbourne Family Care Organisation, Collingwood, Vic.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Yellowtail Marine an Example by
Yellowtail Marine Gilcrists responsibilities to the company: To set right the immediate problems related to the quality standards that would ensure healthy working environment to workers, comply with clean water regulation, comply with clean air and water act of 1971, to evolve right marketing strategies considering the current situation (inflation and changing trend towards the model), consider the condition of Saggitarius and setting right the problems at the plant. Responsibilities to the employees: Creating clear job description and work schedule to bring work clarity and progress, giving motivation for team effort. Responsibilities to Boswell: Finishing works left by Olaf, submit Yellow tail's strategy, show results for the improved performance of Yellow tail. Need essay sample on "Yellowtail Marine" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Issues with relative importance: For the company to function properly without any restriction, it is necessary to fulfill the quality standards set by the government. So, it is necessary to address the issues to comply with clean air and water act, clean water regulation and healthy working environment of workers. After this, the marketing strategies should be focused upon. Issues in conflict: Not maintaining the minimum quality standards. It would require immediate attention. Her long term goals: She should set her long term goals to get more orders for the company by doing analysis of demands of the buyers. She should concentrate on adventure cruises. Our Customers Usually Tell Us: Who wants to write assignment for me? Specialists advise: Your Academic Success Is Our Goal Custom Essay Helper A Website To Write Essays Write My Essay For Me Cheap Cheap Essay Writing Activities that should be done now: The administration should find out how to operate the company complying with the quality standards and provide training to the staffs, creating action plan for the company. Communicating her decisions: For communicating the plan to Boswell, she could use a detailed report and for the board a detailed presentation could be used. Many communication strategies have been formulated, but little research is done on how it can be decided what strategy can be used best in a certain situation (Van den Putte, B. and Dhondt, G, 2003). Risks and painful decisions : If they are not able to comply with the quality standards, they may face problem in running the company. It s possible to make the company more market oriented and it could be achieved by finding the niche and manufacturing crafts accordingly. Effective marketing begins with an understanding of what you have to offer (Anonymous, 2005). References Harvard Business School (1989). Citing internet resources. Retrieved January 14, 2009 Van den Putte, B. and Dhondt, G. (2003) . Citing internet resources. Retrieved January 14, 2009 Is your company market oriented (2004). Citing internet resources. Retrieved January 14,2009, from http://www.eag.com/art7.htm
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Boeing Company Principles
The Boeing Company Principles One of the necessary prerequisite for the successful functioning of any business are control mechanisms. They are created to ensure that the company develops according to a preestablished plan and achieves its goals by directing and managing the work of the company’s employees (Bateman Snell, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Boeing Company Principles specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the modern practice of management, researchers single out three types of management control: bureaucratic, market, and clan control. The characteristics of bureaucratic control include application of formal rules and standards in a hierarchical structure based on authority (Bateman Snell, 2008). Market control features prices, competition, and profit as its basis, and establishes market relationships between business parties (Bateman Snell, 2008). Lastly, clan control differs from the aforementioned two types o f control in the fact that rather than basing on authoritative tradition, it employs the relationships of cooperation between parties who share common values, beliefs, and culture, and express deep trust in each other (Bateman Snell, 2008). The Boeing Company is an example of a business that opts for employing a whole system of different control types that help balancing the company’s activities. On the one hand, the Boeing Company employs bureaucratic control mechanisms embodied in The Boeing Company Code of Basic Working Conditions and Human Rights (The Boeing Company, 2010). The Code stipulates the key standards of attitudes to employees and recognizes their role in developing the Boeing business. In this respect, the Boeing Company demonstrates utilization of clan control principles as well, since it expresses deep trust in its employees. Clan control principles become obvious in the Boeing Company statement on culture (The Boeing Company, 2010). The principles of clan c ontrol reveal themselves, inter alia, in values such as cooperative effort encouraging the Boeing diverse team to involve actively in the constant process of innovation (The Boeing Company, 2010). Diversity and inclusion signify the Boeing Company tendency to employ marketing control principles as well. The Executive Commitment to Diversity exemplifies the company’s striving to creativity and innovation as the core objectives of its activities (The Boeing Company, 2010). In addition, marketing control principles reveal themselves in the activities of Boeing Capital Corporation that provides financial solutions to the company, and in the creation of Global Corporate Citizenship that promotes cooperation among various branches of Boeing industries for mutual benefit (The Boeing Company, 2010).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When evaluating the effectiven ess of the aforementioned control mechanisms, it becomes obvious that the key to the Boeing Company success on the market lies in the interrelation and combination of all the three types of control mechanisms. On the one hand, bureaucratic mechanisms allow for preserving a certain authoritative basis that unites a whole set of separate organizations and provides the employees with rigid standards of behavior. On the other hand, the employees are highly motivated to demonstrate their constant individual input in the common business by promoting individual creativity and innovative ideas. The direction of the Boeing Company control activities towards the market allows creating a weighted system of checks and balances from all the cooperating businesses which assist each other in successful activities. The main result of such synthesized approach to employing various types of control mechanisms is aimed at customer satisfaction: customer is the key to the Boeing Company success, and th erefore employment of all the three types of control mechanisms benefits comprehensive customer satisfaction and consequently adds to the company’s success. References Bateman, T. S., Snell, S. A. (2008). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. The Boeing Company. (2010). Retrieved from boeing.com/
Friday, November 22, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Corporate Social Responsibility - Research Paper Example Some of the activities that signify CSR include ethical conduct of activities; establishing stakeholder partnerships; engaging in environmentally-friendly activities; transparency in operations; complying with existing regulations and correction of social inequalities(world bank, 13) Firms participate in projects such Religious organizations; Culture; HIV / AIDS awareness , prevention and control; Sport; Support to ethnical minorities; Drinkable water; Technical training; Housing; Health ;Community development; Education(World Bank, 25). . In the following part, the paper will give insightful and exploratory explanations with few examples where companies and organizations have supported or declined to support the CSR projects. Reasons for CSR The optimistic observers see great scope for CSR to support a more open-minded form of capitalism, avoiding the worst examples of labor exploitation among other positive reasons. World Bank (23) notes that it is a way of gaining better reputatio n from amongst the entire stakeholder group. Furthermore, through CSR projects such as education and health, firms indirectly carry out social marketing activities with an aim of increasing its value in the community. ... Better integration promotes strength in cultural diversity and may promote a better understanding of the community perceptions about the firms’ products, values, and beliefs. This will encourage the product liking and adoption that can later increase the sales volume of the participating firm. By enhancing the relationship between the company and the community, there is a reduction in conflicts and general hostilities, thus promoting peace and harmonious co-existence between the two stakeholders. Through involvement in CSR, there is a promotion of the local brand recognition, adoption, and acceptance by the community members (World Bank, 36) Some companies are culturally obliged to participate in acts of charity so that they gain recognition in the internati onal scale. Employees volunteer as a way of giving back to the community (World Bank, 35). The adoption and implementation of IFRS by some companies that emphasizes on transparency, honesty, and integrity in reporting of their financial statements have been one of the major core values pursued by the management of the company. For instance, Toyota Multinational Corporation constantly emphasizes on the International reporting standards that uphold integrity, honesty, and transparency in disclosure of financial information to the shareholders and to the potential investors. It leads potential investors making wise and informed investment decisions (Aaronson and Reeves). The Aaronson and Revees also argue that they get involved in CSR to achieve a fair degree of legitimacy and consistency in their operations to the external environment. The relationship between the firm and the community is consolidated from the CSR activities. Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Management Organization Learning and Knowledge Essay
Management Organization Learning and Knowledge - Essay Example Services provided at this call centre have direct impact on business and customer satisfaction. In order to provide good service, a variety of skills such as call handling skills, communication, learning abilities, positive attitude, leadership, motivational skills, feedback etc are required at various levels. Learning and knowledge sharing are extremely significant in such businesses where customer demands keep changing and new products are continuously launched not only to meet customer needs but also to sustain competitiveness in the market, and attract more users as well as retain existing customers. Moreover, organisational structure is a team-based structure with each team leader responsible for a team of 10-15 executives. Review of literature: Peter Drucker was the first management pioneer to emphasize knowledge management and knowledge working as the 21st century challenge (2003). Newell et al. (2004) describe knowledge workers as those individuals with good competencies, ski lls and decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Their contributions help in effective knowledge management through their contribution in day-to-day activities; hence, such activities can be carried out by employees at all levels based on their work and opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills. Ambriola et al (2003; p.192) describe call centre workers as knowledge workers by stating, ‘the basic tenet is that work in call centres has to be conceptualized in terms of distributed knowledge. This means that only part of the knowledge needed to carry out any transaction is in the mind of the operator, important knowledge has to be distributed among colleagues in the organisation, available and accessible cognitive artifacts in the work environment, and clients. The way... This essay approves that Aspects of professional growth and opportunities for growth were assessed based on questions related to promotions, skill enhancement trainings, taking on additional responsibilities and learning opportunities etc. Front line executives reported dissatisfaction in terms of promotions and additional responsibilities. Team leaders were not aware of any growth opportunities planned. Managers felt their growth depended upon expansion of business. Divisional managers did not respond. Most of the team members felt the need for skill enhancement in spheres like call handling skills, time management skills, leadership skills, writing skills, and analytical skills. Team leaders felt leadership skills would help them manage team’s performance better. No double-loop learning was reported because front line executives and team members reported lack of time to take on additional responsibilities that will help in learning other skills. Double-loop learning breeds i nnovation, critical thinking, and thus better decision making. This report makes a conclusion that knowledge management has become the key to success of most of the organisations. Knowledge intensive firms rely on human capital than other capital for success and sustenance of performance and knowledge-based firms thrive on input of knowledge and learning into their human capital. Effective knowledge management should include effective communication, leadership, HRM, and organisational systems besides appropriate integration of operational objectives with strategic goals of the organisation. Situations that identify gaps in knowledge management in the present context can be addressed by modifying few management practices.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Cubism movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cubism movement - Essay Example â€Å"Within the first two decades of the 20th century, a new art movement began that was unlike any otherâ€â€Cubism. Started by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, most Cubist works are immediately recognizable due to their flattened, nearly two-dimensional appearance; an inclusion of geometric angles, lines, and shapes; and a fairly neutral color palette†.Imagination and influence of other artists was contagious and spread like the wild-fire! Artists were waiting in the wings, as if to tread the path of this novel mode of art. Additions and subtractions were made to the original conception of Cubism. The great artist Picasso was highly influenced by the works of Paul Cezanne and Jean Dominique. He experimented with ambiguous silhouettes. Next to catch his imagination was primitive and African art. Artists began to don the gowns of mathematicians. Cezanne advised the artists to treat nature in terms of the cylinder, cone and the sphere. Picasso and Braque did further improv ements. After conceiving the totality of the subject, they fragmented and analyzed and then reassembled it in an abstract form. They were criticized and appreciated for their extraordinary experimentsâ€â€that they abandoned proportions, continuity of life samples and organic integrity and material objects. Critics said that the works looked like a field of broken glass.Notwithstanding the criticism and differences in opinions, Cubism thrived. â€Å"The Cubist emphasized a flat, two-dimensional surface and rejected the idea that art should imitate nature.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A marketing plan for a small gym
A marketing plan for a small gym I will be opening a small business. It will be a gym called Maximize Yourself. It is a private business, this seemed fit because it is a new business and incase it fails, I will have limited liabilities. The Goal of any business would obviously be to make a profit, but to enjoy yourself whilst doing so is important. The goal of enjoying is going to happen automatically because I love fitness training and being able to help others achieve their fitness goals makes it all worth the while. To jump start the business and start making quick profits, debts are required to be repaid, bank overdrafts will be paid as soon as possible to jump start the profit making process. The gym offers amazing services and products including, clothing, supplements, and protection gear and of course fitness training. The gym will have 6 employees including 2 women and 4 men. The women will be mostly concerned with boxing and fitness training and the men focus more on the main gym room, boxing, and also rehabilitation done by myself. All employees are able to answer any questions that members might have, give tips on how to do exercises, and even offer nutritional plans to those of whom are looking to improve their diets. The gym is located in Ryde because there are no other gyms in the area and it is a high traffic area. There is also a pool nearby and sporting clubs in Ryde making it an advantage because people would want to stay in shape and have nice bodies to show off. Also the fact that there are no competitors nearby makes it less of a hassle to have to constantly keep up with competitors. The gym is open 7 days a week, from 8 am to 8pm on Monday to Friday and 8 am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday. Maximize yourself gives bonus offers whether its free boxing and fitness training classes, or discounts for multiple members entering at once, discounts for people who refer others and of course for loyal long term members. This business is all about, overcoming objectives using various strategies, achieving goals, helping people with their fitness goals, and enjoying a job at a gym. Because the gym is in the establishment stage it needs to build a reputation, and to do this we are giving special trial offers and also advertising via commercials and radio broadcasts, etc. Business Description and Ownership It will be a small business, its called Maximize Yourself, it will be a Private Company because it is a new business and if it fails it will limited liabilities. The goals of the business will be to make a profit and to do this it will need to build a reputation, starting with ads like commercials showing free trial offers and deducted prices on equipment in the opening month to get some customers. It will be located in Ryde because there arent many gyms there and its a high traffic area. I will be the owner and start off with 6 employees that have personal training experience to help customers with training and they will ensure all equipment is in place and help with questions that members might have. Employees will rotate between jobs and I will manage financial statements like cash flow in and out of the business. The purpose of the business is to help people with physical goals whether its building or losing weight and in doing this make profit. I will need to manage my funds for the equipment I will be buying with a loan and then repay them when I can. Purpose of plan Preventing failure and guiding a business to achieve its goals is the main purpose of a business plan. By setting targets for the business a giving a design it enables it to evaluate its progress against identified reference points. In order to have a clear direction with the business and a path for the future a well written business plan must be created. It can show how the business could perform in the future and the priorities that are set for the business. The goals of Maximize yourself include: Making a profit (Financial goal, short term/long term) Satisfaction in work self achievement (Personal goal) Long term security Financially (Financial goal, long term) Sponsorship by supplement/ body fitness companies (Social goal) Successful business (Personal goal/Financial goal, long term) Increasing market share (Financial goal) Help people achieve their physical goals (Personal goal/social goal) According to the textbook a business plan outlines: A description of the business (Name, address, organisation and management) The businesss goals A market analysis Customer needs and size of the market The goods and/or services the business provides The industry in which the business operates Marketing/production/financial/employment relation strategies. Situation Analysis This is to make an analysis of the position of the business at the present time SWOT analysis Strengths Great Locations Brand new equipment No bad perspectives of the business because its new Buildable reputation based on service Good manager Skilled and qualified Workers Good use of technology 4 rooms (gym room, fitness training room, boxing room, rehabilitation room) Great reputation (over 100 members) New and updated equipment Large rooms for easy transition between equipment and rooms Weaknesses Low amount of staff and therefore longer shifts Still an expanding financial position High costs required for quick profits No reputation Opportunities Expanding to new locations A growing market means more people will participate Can attract more people due to it being a multigendered gym Threats Increased rent costs Possible changes in governmental regulations. Competitors (Runyaway gym) Competitor Analysis Runyaway Gym Strengths Low prices Many workers A lot of equipment Great reputation Good finance Trained employees Qualified and experienced managers and workers Weaknesses Due to it being popular it has high membership costs Its large reputation means that the Gym could be filled with members at certain times Opportunities Much easy chance of expanding to new locations Large profit allows it to Buy out competitors Threats Competitors (Fitness First) A lot of gyms are starting up Loss of members due to high costs Market Analysis provides enough information to convince a lender or investor that the business has enough existing or potential customers to achieve a certain amount of sales even though theres competitors Target Market and market research The reason maximize yourself is located in Ride is because there arent any gyms in that area, but there is sporting teams and swimming pools which will influence people to want to workout out, lose weight and get fit, to look and feel better and what better way then joining the gym and pursuing their goals . The businesses main focus is: Helping people achieve their physical goals with prices that wont burn a hole through their income. A place to socialise and possibly meet future husbands/wives and also to share tips and make new friends. Also teenagers will be a major topic, due to the fact that there is suddenly a revolution of mostly teenage boys wanting to get into shape a build muscles to show off to the girl in summer. -Aged people, to keep their fitness levels up and maintain their dietary needs. -Lastly, mothers, having to lose those stubborn few pounds to achieve the body they had before getting pregnant Market Segmentation The division of the total market into small segments based on the similar characteristics of a customer group. This is a prediction of how many members the gym will have in the first 2 months, and their age range. AGE AMOUNT OF MEMBERS 10-15 5 16-18 15 19-26 44 26-35 19 36+ 17 This is a prediction of what areas of the gym they will be doing Age Bodybuilding Boxing Body Fitness Cardio/weight loss room 10-15 1 4 0 0 16-18 9 4 2 0 19-26 24 10 2 8 26-35 4 2 2 11 36+ 1 5 1 10 Objectives and strategies Objectives are specific goals. They need to be S.M.A.R.T which means they need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. Key business functions Operations: The physical production of a good or the provision of a service. Since my business is a gym it is service based. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Its an advantage because: -There isnt that extra hassle of having enough stock -Making sure its not over stocked -Finding the latest new products to sell to appeal to consumers needs and compete with other businesses -Having to constantly innovate into the business later on in the business life cycle. This is a disadvantage because -If what your providing isnt selling then you could always innovate new products into your business, but when its service based there is no backup, therefore it means that your service must be so good that it will appeal to others and keep consumers interested -It costs a lot more to replace equipment used for services as opposed to just replacing a product -The fact that you cant actually advertise how good your service is as opposed to saying how good a product is in an advertisement. Also having a good description of the good or service, including: -Technology used -Materials and equipment required -Supplies used Testing and evaluation expenses The service the business will provide includes: -From open till close, 7 days a week, at all hours, there will be personal trainers available throughout the gym answering any questions members might have and also helping out people with their workouts, and giving tips on how to maximize their time in the gym to get the best possible results and help them to achieve their goals fast. -Personal trainers that will constantly give feedback to members and support them as they strive to achieve their goals. -A range of knowledge ranging from bodybuilding and body fitness to fat burning and rehabilitation, also kickboxing will be taught by a former champion. The businesses service will be amazing because all employees will have experiences of at least one of these categories and will be able to share experiences and accomplishments and help members do the same. Objectives for the gym include reducing cost of merchandise like supplements, and gym gear, also lowering membership costs or giving free offers, a strategy to accomplish thisis to lower the prices but be aware of competitors prices so the business has a fighting chance, its at a reasonable price, and its still making profit. Another objective will be to improve quality of the service and the products sold, strategies involve researching about the new and latest product but for the sake of them being beneficial as opposed to them costing more then requiring members to pay more for products, also introducing new employees or exercise categories like yoga to attract a variety of consumers. Marketing: This involves finding out what consumers need and want and linking these to the businesses product/service. These may result in a new promotional campaign. Appealing to consumers needs and wants is one of the very daunting tasks of the establishment stage, because it requires finding out what the consumers want and being able to provide that with your business. In terms of a gym, consumers want to be able to achieve their physical goals without getting ripped off, they want to be able to be able to get their moneys worth, be in a comfortable, friendly and inviting environment that would make them want to continuing using the gym without the hassle of being in a crammed room that contains weights, bikes, boxing bags and boxing rings, and be able to navigate throughout the gym with ease. In words this is easy, but being able to be a competitor on the market and show consumers just how good the gym is, will be a challenging task. An objective of the business will be to increase the number of members of the gym by 5 percent in the first year. Strategies to achieve this objective will include trial offers and deducted prices, also special offers that include discounts on equipment and classes to get new members and allow them to experience the gym and potentially keep them as members and possibly have them refer other people to the gym. The main strategy is to find what the consumers want and being able to provide it, also giving people a reason to joining your gym as opposed to going to another gm which will be a competitor. To do this the gym will be for both male and female and for all ages. Other objectives include increased market share which also allows the business to have a chance against competitors and last of course increased profits by 10 % in 12 months. Strategies to achieve this include introducing new products that appeal to consumer demand like the latest supplements or the newest workout machine; this will potentially get more members and also extend current members membership. Marketing strategies must be consistent, the following must be taken into consideration: -Position: Knowing consumers perspective on your product/service and being apply to use this information to improve your business -Price: Set prices, how it was determined and how it is compared to competitors. -Place: Available distribution methods must be assessed Accounting and finance: Provides the financial information needed for sound and viable decision-making. All small businesses must have the following to function properly and also to keep track of money. Financial requirements are needed; new businesses must have a clear idea of the amount of funds they will need. This could come from debt financing or the original owners equity, keeping track of the businesses budget and cash flow is crucial because it lets the owner know what areas are making profit and which areas are slowing the increase in profit. To keep track of these, businesses use a range of tools such as financial forecasting which tells the owner whether or not they can afford to produce the product or provide the service, this helps with a gym because it helps to show which products are selling, and whether or not the quality of their service is good based on the amount of members that they have or the amount of members the have ended their membership. Also theres financial records, this is good for small businesses so they can keep track of their finances, they will need to have, revenue statements (Income, profit and loss of the gym), cash flow statements (the money coming into and going out of the gym), balance sheets and budgets. Also theres breakeven: A planning tool that can be used to forecast how much of the product must be produced, or the service must be provided to cover costs of product and cost of paying employees to cover costs and make a profit. Lastly, financial controls are needed, which is having controls in place to ensure the business stays on track. These controls allow corrective action to be taken and without controls, the businesses ability to succeed start to be questioned. Objectives include reducing debts, that being said reducing the bank overdraft for all the equipment and land that was bought from $35000 to $25000 after 6 months, strategies for this to be done include getting more members to make profit and to do this, the gym will need to be advertised and show special offers to get consumers attention. Another objective includes increases profits by 10 % in the next 12 months by advertising more to make more money, also by continuing to sell products and providing services. Employment Relations: Due to such easy access to technology and raw materials, a businesses staff has become a valuable asset. The gym has an excellent range of staff hand picked by the owner due to their experience and the fact that they did a personal training course, or completed a course for the area of the gym they are working in. A challenge for the owner is keeping the employees interested in the job, this can be bother an easy or hard task depending on whether or not they like the job to start with. Objectives include increasing the pay of the employees. Even though the business is still starting out, a rise in pay should still occur because there wont be much members at first and itll make it easy for the employees to get bored of their jobs. Also rewards and bonuses will be given to employees who deserve it. 10% increase in employees pay in 12 months. A strategy to achieve this will be to possibly cut back the owners pay for a while or by advertising more to sell more products and get more members to make more money to be able to pay the employees. The numbers of staff, and the skills they contain have a large impact on strategic goals, the employment relations of the gym has objectives such as: Ensuring that the employees understand what their job is and whats expected, ensuring a healthy and safe environment, measuring and evaluating their perfomances. Strategies to achieve them include buying fresh new equipment and products, training the employees for a few weeks, keeping track of employee achievements. Job Description Must have a resume showing all recent achievements. Most have completed a personal training course or have certificates in the area they wish to work in. Also at least 3 years experience of the job. Also a medical check is needed to ensure that there is no injuries that will affect the employee on the job. Staffing requirements Rostering is the process of allocating particular staff to complete particular duties. Employees: Steph Greensburg Personal trainer (Completed personal fitness course) Penelope Chaaya Personal Trainer, boxer (Body Fitness course) Tim Stevens Personal Trainer, bodybuilder ( Personal training course, 5 years experience) Alex Dagher Personal Trainer, Boxing (3 Year personal training course) -Simon Rassy Former boxing champion (degree in personal training) Charles Chaaya (Boss) Personal Trainer, Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation doctor (degree in personal training, 4 year course of physiotherapist, 3 year course on body fitness) ROSTER Example: 1 hour break Day (8am-2pm) Area (3pm-8pm) 6pm on Saturday and sunday Area Monday Charles Chaaya Steph Penelope Gym room Boxing Room Rehabilitation room Charles Chaaya Steph Penelope Gym room Boxing/cardio Fitness training Tuesday Alex Tim Simon Cardio/fitness Gym room Boxing Alex Tim Simon Cardio/fitness Gym room Boxing Wednesday Steph Alex Charles Cardio/fitness Gym room Rehabilitation Steph Alex Charles Cardio/fitness Boxing Gym room Thursday Steph Tim Penelope Cardio/fitness Gym room Boxing Steph Tim Penelope Cardio/fitness Gym room Boxing Friday Charles Simon Alex Rehabilitation Boxing Gym room Charles Simon Alex Gym room Cardio/fitness Fitness training Saturday Steph Penelope Tim Cardio/fitness Boxing Gym room Steph Penelope Tim Cardio/fitness Boxing Gym room Sunday Charles Simon Alex Rehabilitation Boxing Gym room Charles Simon Alex Rehabilitation Boxing Gym room Price / Promotion The pricing of Maximize yourself will be based on whether it is an affordable amount, and whether or not it beat competitor pricing. There will be promotions of cheaper trial offers to let people try out the gym and see whether they like it or not. There will be free trials for boxing classes and body fitness classes to also attract a wide range of consumers. Also bonuses included free boxing or body fitness lessons with 3+ month memberships, this will also be to gain members. Apart from profit being a main goal, it is important to have an environment where people dont feel trapped in a maze and can move around freely, and these offers will allow the consumers o discover just how good the gym is. There must be a distinguish between maximize yourself and other gyms, that being, and amazing service and of course amazing prices. Ways of Promoting the gym include: A commercial -Social networking sites -Radio -Door to door sales informing residents of the cheap offers -Discounts for referrals -bonuses for long term members Membership Fees Single visits: $5.00 per person 1 week pass: $20.00 1 month membership: $55.00 3 months membership: $140.00 6 months membership: $240.00 12 months membership: $400.00 OR free boxing/Body fitness classes: membership cost+$15.00 Classes will be posted on a timetable hung up in the gym: Boxing: 1 Class: $8 1 Month: $55 Body Fitness 1 Class: $5 1 Month: $35 Supplement Prices MUSCLE MASS Protein bucket: 1kg: $30, 2kg: $50, 4kg: $80 Creatine Powder: $30 Fat burner supplement: $40 Bulk Building supplements: $60+ depending on product. Products: Bodybuilder and 100% Natural shirts: $15 each Training Singlets: $10 (Different Colours) Gloves for weights: $20 (different colours) Belt for weights: $40 (different colours) Product Due to Maximize yourself being a new gym it is obvious that it will have new top notch products, including trademark brands which are easily bought due to a friend of the owners being a seller of them giving him discounted prices. Due to the spacious layout of the gym the equipment will be spread accordingly allowing free movement without bunching into equipment and interrupting others during their workouts. Obvious products will be sold such as supplements, shirt, singlets, gloves and belts. The products of course vary in size to suit different sized customers and the maximize yourself logo will be on the lower back of the shirts/singlets and imprinted on the belts and gloves. Place How and where the product is distributed. Maximize Yourself did not create the supplements they are going to sell. Although everything else is owned by the business and they are all made by a retailer then send to the business when stock is ordered. Only Maximize yourself will be able to sell the equipment due to it being exclusive distribution. Description of the product/service Even though Maximize Yourself is service based it sells many great products. Services include the following: The gym area, this is where all the main equipment is, this room is mostly used for bodybuilding and contain all the weights and machines that assist with bodybuilding, there will always be a personal trainer in there helping people with their weight training and giving out advice/ answering questions. Also the other trained staff who run boxing classes and fitness training class simultaneously are expertly trained and will give you your moneys worth. Whether thats to learn how to defend yourself, lose weight or get fitter, theyll supply the help. Equipment inside the gym Bench press x 2 $500 Power racks $800 Rubber floors- $1000 per square metre Rubber mats x 8 -$100 Cable equipment (For all muscles) 45 degree leg press $400 45 degree back extension $200 Dip / pull up assist machine $200 Medicine balls x 6 $120 Set of Dumbbells- $1500 Fitness step x 4 $360 Barbell set (10kg 70kg) $2500 Smith Machine x 2 $3000 Rowing machines x 3 $2000 Treadmills x 3 $4000 Exercise bikes x 12 $5000 Boxing bags x 5 $600 Boxing ring $3000 Helmets x 20 $800 Boxing gloves x 20 pairs $600 Personal Trainers Steph Greensburg Personal trainer (Completed personal fitness course) Penelope Cruz Personal Trainer, boxer (Body Fitness course) Tim Stevens Personal Trainer, bodybuilder ( Personal training course, 5 years experience) Alex Dagher Personal Trainer, Boxing (3 Year personal training course) -Simon Rassy Former boxing champion (degree in personal training) Charles Chaaya (Boss) Personal Trainer, Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation doctor (degree in personal training, 4 year course of physiotherapist, 3 year course on body fitness) Classes Boxing See instructors for details Fitness training See instructors for details Boxing Class Learn how to fight and defend yourself with our top notch boxing instructors. Fitness training Intensive cardio, bodyweight training like pushups, dips, squats, lunges, abdominal circuits. Opening hours Monday Friday: 8am 8pm Saturday Sunday: 8am 6pm Front Counter Drinks Singlets Shirts Supplements Gloves Belt Boxing gloves Wrist pads Maximize yourself offers great discounts like: Free trials Discounts for loyal members More people=less you pay Financial Forecasts Balance Sheet Maximize Yourself Pty Ltd Current assets Cash $10000 Accounts Receivable $20000 Inventory $30000 TOTAL $60000 Non-Current assets Equipment $150,000 Land $250,000 Building/Property $100,000 TOTAL $500 000 Other Current Assets Good Will $100,000 TOTAL assets: $660 000 Current Liabilities Overdraft $80 000 Accounts Payable $30 000 TOTAL $110 000 Non Current Liabilities Mortgage $600,000 TOTAL $600 000 Owners Equity Shareholders funds $167,000 Capital $80,000 Retained Profits $40,000 Total Liabilities + Equity $997 000 Liquidity = Current Assets . Current Liabilities =$60000 = 0.55 $110,000 Cash Flow Statement Cash flow from operating activities Receipts from customers Payments to Suppliers and Employees Net cash provided by operating activities $120000 ($110 000) $10 000 Cash Flow from investing Activities Payment for Property, plant and equipment Net cash provided by investing activities ($50000) ($50000) Cash Flow from Financing Activities Repayment of borrowing Net cash provided by financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash held Cash at beginning of year $40000 $40000 ($5000) $(20000) Cash at end of year ($25000) Critically review the plan and process In all honesty, I actually enjoyed doing the assignment, sure it was EXTREMELY long but it involves me being creative and actually doing an assignment about a topic I like for once. I must admit, if it wasnt for my plan and help from the business teachers I wouldve had no clue what I was doing. Now that I think of it, I regret not setting out my plan correctly, I left to much of the report if not ALL of it for the last due date, this left me with a mess load of work, plus the fact that I didnt manage my time and ended up having to do more than half the assignment in the last two days. I regret not asking as many questions in class. It was startling having a different teach teaching the subject after having Mrs Jones for so long but I eventually adjusted. I was disappointed in my slow progression and poor time management skills, and having assignments for other subjects just made it all the more less motivating in proceeding to complete this assignment. One of my worst flaws is my short attention span, something as little as seeing an item on my desk would cause me to stop and daydream, also knowing that I was one click away from face book and msn. On top of all these distraction is my MAJOR distraction! My Xbox 360, my mentality was always, play now, do business later, Im so good at this game, I cant just stop playing now im owning' is what I always said to myself, even whilst making progress I thought about getting off the computer and going to play. Another factor was friends, theres always someone to have a discussion with, and of course anything to get out of doing work right? Overall I believed I achieved what I planned to and was glad due to the relief of completing such a detailed assignment. I believe a few more lessons dedicated to actually explaining the assignment mightve motivated me to have completed some work sooner. Although Im g
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
What Is An Education? :: essays research papers
What is an Education? According to the Oxford English Dictionary one of the definitions of the word "education" is: "The systematic instruction, schooling or training given to the young in preparation for the work of life; by extension, similar instruction or training obtained in adult age. Also, the whole course of scholastic instruction which a person has received. Often with limiting words denoting the nature of the predominant subject of the instruction or kind of life it prepares, as classical, legal, medical, technical, commercial, art education." Although this is an accurate description of what an actual education may be, there is a great deal more to the process of becoming educated than the actual instruction and schooling one may receive. If you asked a person in high school or college exactly why he is in school his response would probably have something to do with "getting an education." Is that really why he is there? The next question you may ask is "what are you going to do with your education?" The response would undoubtedly include something about "getting a good job" or perhaps "to make a lot of money." Most of the people in the United States have been brainwashed to think that unless one has at least a high school diploma there is no future anywhere for him. This is completely untrue. There is no guarantee that getting a high school "education" is going to get you anywhere. A student may spend eight years between high school and college getting an "education." He can graduate from college with A's in every class, but still, this "education" means nothing. For example, suppose this "Straight A" student goes for a job interview. Obviously one of the first things to be looked at is the college diploma. Good grades, which by today's standards are an indication of an educated individual, are usually very helpful in getting a good job. But alone, good grades are a completely unfair indication of how a person will perform under the pressures of the real world. Instead of looking at a person's grades during a job interview and deciding whether that person is eligible for a particular position, why not try something realistic? To determine a particular person's "education" why not allow the individual to apply what he knows to his position in the workplace. This is the true test of what an education is. The application of knowledge acquired is a much better determinant of true education than whether or not a person got an A in Wood Shop or World History. A good percentage of people in the United States graduated from high school.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Electronics Laboratory Report.
Laboratory Long report. Electronic laboratory practice Abstract: The aim of this laboratory was to make us familiar with how to use the different types of electronic equipment and how to accurately use them to make measurements. The equipment used in this laboratory included: (i) the signal generator which was used to supply the power used in the various procedures, (ii) The oscilloscope which was used to view and record the waves produced from the AC currents and then make relevant calculations based on that. iii) The DC power supply was used in the first two procedures which involved using the resistors. (iv) Familiarised with the multimeter and used it to take measurements (v) the experiment board which was used to do create most of the circuits and take the necessary measurements. Procedure 1: The measurement of resistance. The resistances of the 5k? and 22k? resistors were found using the theory and by taking the actual readings. The resistances of the resistors were first measu red by comparing the colour bands on the resistors to the colour code chart provided.The procedure for this is: there are four bands on each of the resistors, and each colour on the band denotes a specific number on the resistor colour code chart, which gives us the significant figure and the multiplier which is in powers of 10. The values using the colour code were calculated and found to be as follows. * 5. 1k? with a  ±5% tolerance * 21k? with  ±10% tolerance. These nominal values are the ones that are calculated but in reality the actual values of resistance can be a bit different from the ones calculated due to impurities.The actual resistances are measured by using a multimeter, the way this is done is that the resistors are mounted on an experiment board and then the multimeter is connected right across it. The values were recorded and found to be as follows: * 5. 037k? * 21. 047k? | Nominal value| Actual value| 5k? resistor| 5. 1k?  ±5% tolerance| 5. 307k? | 22k? resis tor| 21k?  ±10% tolerance| 21. 047k| In conclusion, it can be seen that there was a difference in the calculated nominal values of the resistors and the actual ones which were calculated.But they were still within their tolerance levels; there could be plenty of reasons for that which might include different types of batteries, differences in temperature of the room, impurities in different sections of the experiment board which might have affected the readings. ’ The tolerance level is defined as an allowable variation from a predefined standard. A value from an experiment or a variance is not considered significant unless it exceeds the limit set by the tolerance limit. ’ – www. bridgefieldgroup. om/bridgefieldgroup/glos9. htm For this reason, we can assume these differences in the actual values of the resistors to be insignificant since they were within the stated tolerances. Procedure 2: The measurement of voltage. In this experiment, the principle was to create a voltage divider circuit and to carry out the required measurements were undertaken to prove the principle of the voltage divider. For that, a circuit was created where a supply voltage was applied across two resistors R1 and R2 in series as shown in the figure below.And the two equations shown below were used to make the necessary calculations. Image source: http://www. ermicro. com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/basic_r01. jpg http://diy. griffshp. com/wp-content/VoltageDivider. jpg The experiment was carried by using two resistors of values R1 equal to 5k? and R2 equal to 22k?. The resistors were mounted on the experiment board and the voltage divider circuit was created. The power was supplied using a +6v power supply and the voltages across each of the resistors was calculated using the Agilent 34401 multimeter.The values were recorded and were found to be as follows: V1=1. 1846v V2=4. 89v The total of the voltages adds up to be 6. 0167v which is roughly about 6v ( the initial voltage supplied) which proves that the voltages are within the required tolerance. To compare these measured values to the nominal values which can be found using the voltage divider equation, substitute the values of R1 and R2 and use V as 6v to find the voltages across each of V1 and V2. v1=6*55+22=1. 11v * V2=6*225+22=4. 88v | Nominal values| Actual values| V1| 1. 11v| 1. 1846v| V2| 4. 88v| 4. 89v| In this experiment it was found that the actual values and the nominal vales were not much different from each other. This could have probably been because of the resistances in the wires or loose connections. But they were both within a tolerance level of 5% which makes the difference insignificant and accountable for experimental error.The outcome of the experiment was that the voltages were shared between the two resistors and the larger resistor got the larger share of the voltage whereas the smaller resistance got the showed smaller voltage passing through it. This prove d the values that we found using the nominal calculations of the voltages. Procedure 3: current measurement. In this experiment, we use the current divider rule which is similar to the voltage divider equation except that the way the circuit is constructed is it is in parallel instead of series.The experiment was set up in the method shown below and the necessary calculations were made. The circuit was constructed as shown in the schematic above and a DC voltage of +6v was passed through it, the currents were measured in each of the resistors and found to be: * I1(current across 5k? ) =1. 182A * I2(current across 22k? )=1. 192A (Ps: The rest of the rest of the report could not be completed since the original lab was not completed on time and hence the required information was missing. ) Table of Contents: 1. Procedure 1 2. Procedure 2 3. Procedure 3
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Comparison Between ‘Requiem For The croppies’ And ‘The Tollund Man’, both by Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heany is a poet, born in Northern Ireland in 1939. He currently divides his time between his home in Dublin and Harvard University, where he is ‘Emerson poet in residence'. Heaney's poems are rarely political but two poems which comment indirectly on sectarian violence are ‘Requiem For The Croppies'- written in 1966, and ‘The Tollund Man' which was published in 1972. Each poem is inspired by the past but is revolving to the recent troubles. Heaney was awarded the ‘Nobel Prize for Literature' in 1995. ‘Requiem For The Croppies' was written in 1966 to mark the anniversary of the Easter rising (the Easter rising refers to a rebellion against the British by the catholic Irish which brought about the civil war.). The poem tells of an earlier rebellion of the Irish against the protestant British in 1798 and how this rebellion can be linked to the Easter rising and current sectarian violence in Ireland. Heany writes the poem in the first person, as if he were one of the croppies; a peasant youth rebelling against the protestant British who are running catholic Ireland. ‘The Tollund Man' is another of Heaney's poems in which he comments indirectly on the sectarian violence in Ireland. This poem was written after Heaney was inspired by a book by P.V Glob which features recently discovered two-thousand year old bodies, which had been perfectly preserved in a peat bog in Denmark. This poem opens with the poet, Heany, saying how he would like to visit the body of ‘The Tollund Man' at a museum in Aarhus, Denmark; something he actually did in 1973. ‘Requiem For The Croppies' opens with the lines: ‘The pockets of our greatcoats full of barley – No kitchens on the run, no striking camp- We moved quick and sudden in our own country', This refers to how the croppies, a small unprepared army of catholic Irish citizens, marched across a land they believed to have been theirs. These lines describe how the croppies filled their pockets with barley for food as they had no travelling kitchen or organised meal arrangements. The poem tells how war is a great equaliser among men. In 1798, classes rarely mingled with each other, however, these men are all fighting for the same cause and so see each other as equals and sleep together, as told in line four: ‘The priest lay behind ditches with the tramp'. The fact that a priest is fighting the war also gave the Catholics moral legitimacy. The croppies appeared as hikers to passing folk, they did not march as it was an informal undisciplined army. The croppies had small victories fuelled by spontaneity The word ‘until' shows the sudden pivot of luck in the croppies tale; the rebels were slain on the Vinegar Hill in what Heaney described as ‘the fatal conclave'. ‘Terraced thousands died, shaking scythes at cannon. The hillside blushed, soaked in our broken wave.' These lines describe just how pathetic the weapons of the rebels were compared to those of the British. The Irish rebels had scythes to defend themselves in battle, which were generally no match for a prepared army with cannons. And so, the rebels, fighting in rows side-by-side (like terraces), were slaughtered. The idea of the ‘blushing' hillside, gives the idea of how blood was spilt on the land and giving it the red, ‘blushing' appearance. The croppies were buried without ‘shroud or coffin'; this explains how the croppies were given a mass burial with no ceremony or funeral rites which is very important to the catholic religion. ‘The barley grew up out of the grave. This line has a lot of meaning in the poem, the croppies were buried in the clothing they wore and the barley from their coats literally took root and grew, this implies that you can defeat an army but the spirit of resistance lives on. ‘The Tollund Man' is divided into three parts. The first part of the poem opens with: ‘Some day I will go to Aarhus To see his peat-brown head, The mild pods of his eyelids, His pointed skin cap. This first verse expresses Heaney's wish to visit the Tollund man in Aarhus, Denmark, he has only seen photographs of the body and wants to see it in person. Heany describes the ‘Tollund man' as having a ‘peat-brown head' this is because when the body was discovered the skin was stained brown from the peat. The ‘mild pods of his eyelids' refers to just how well the body had been preserved (the Tollund man still had his hair, teeth and eyes, as well as the contents of his stomach, perfectly preserved (‘the last gruel of winter seeds caked in his stomach)). Heaney then says how he would stand in awe of the body, full of reverence, if he were able to visit it (I will stand a long time, bridegroom to the goddess'). In the fourth verse of the first section Heaney describes the Tollund Man's death quite sexually; ‘She tightened her torc on him, And opened her fen, Those dark juices working him To a saints kept body' This is Heaney's way of describing the Tollund man's execution (a sacrificial ritual to the pagan god of fertility, Nerthus). The Tollund Man's neck was broken in a vice (tightening the torc) and he was buried in the peat bog (‘opened her fen') where he sank deeper into the peat to be preserved perfectly for two thousand years (‘those dark juices working him to a saint's kept body). The final verse closes with Heany commenting on how valuable the find was to the archaeologists and now the mud stained face ‘reposes' at Aarhus. Part two of this poem is about four catholic brothers who were ambushed by protestant men. The brothers were tied to the back of a train and dragged to their death over several miles of train line, parts of their bodies were found up and down the line including teeth and patches of skin. Heany says that if it were possible to bring the brothers back to life by risking blasphemy and praying to the Tollund man, then he would do so. The third section of this poem discusses Heaney's journey to Aarhus. He will feel estranged because of ‘language barriers' but at home because he can link the death of the Tollund Man to the deaths of people in his homeland, both die for their religion. ‘Requiem for the croppies' is in Miltonic sonnet format, it comprises of fourteen lines in an octave plus sestet format. The poem also features a complex rhyme scheme of ABABCDCD EFEFEF. The dashes on the third line regarding the croppies' feeding habits add parenthesis (conversation aside). Heany uses a few metaphors (e.g. ‘terraced thousands' ‘hillside blushed') to add imagery to this piece of writing and the antithesis of ‘shaking scythes at cannon' is a good contrast to use when comparing the weak to the strong. ‘The Tollund Man' is written in a conversational tone and comprises of several quatrains per section and it has no rhyme scheme. The poem uses metaphors to describe the shape of the eyes; ‘pods' allows the reader to visualise a thin layer containing some sort of round object e.g. a pea pod. The paradox ‘unhappy and at home' is an ironic paradox relating to his how he has become accustomed to killing around him yet it still makes him sad to know it is going on. The oxymoron ‘sad freedom' is ironic because you wouldn't tend to use two words which involve opposite emotions to be next to each other in descriptive writing. I prefer ‘Requiem for the Croppies' because I find it more dramatic and moving. The pivot in the story adds a thrill to the tale and it is not as long and cryptic as ‘The Tollund Man'.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Affordable papers Essays
Affordable papers Essays Affordable papers Essay Affordable papers Essay Higher education is a ticket to successful and bright future. Getting a degree in College or University opens a door in front of the students into their further careers, and helps them to be more qualified and preferable candidates for the good job position. In a matter of fact, the way of obtaining a higher academic degree is a quite challenging and requires several years of a sleepless nights, lack of time and over studying to complete an assignments provided by professors. Writing of academic papers during your education takes one of the most important parts of studying process. Essays, theses, case studies, reviews, research papers, personal statements and many other assignments are just a part of the challenging papers what students will require to write. Every single writing task what student receives in College or University requires in depth research on the specific topic, a well knowledge of the citation style to format the paper, good writing skills, great knowledge of English language and a lot of time. While many of students have to work on the part-time jobs to afford their education, unfortunately too many of them do not have so much time to spent doing a research on their assignments and preparing them. Luckily, there is a solution for this situation. In order to help students who are facing lack of time or any other issues with their academic tasks, there are affordable custom writing services which provide academic assistance to the students from all around the world and with any type of the papers. Affordable paper writing services provided by our service is the best way to unload your tight schedule, save your time and keep your marks high. Everything what you need to do is to place an order for your assignment with us, and rest will be done by the team of our professional writers. During your order placement you will be required to provide us with instructions for writing your paper, select delivery urgency, amount of sources what should be used in your writing, paper type and your academic level. Once all this information will be received, we will get started to work on your paper and will deliver it due to selected by you date. To make the prices even more convenient for you, prices for our affordable papers are set on the minimum market level and depends on your academic level, urgency of the paper you need and the paper type. With us you will get highly qualified academic assistance at the cheapest price possible, meanwhile quality of a paper what you will receive will be high and match all academic standards. In addition to affordable prices provided by our academic paper writing company, we also ensure that your assignment will be absolutely plagiarism free, as well as free of any grammar or spelling errors. When you order your paper with us, you are sure that you will get your paper at affordable price and our quality control team will make sure that your writing will be checked by special plagiarism detection software, thus, has no plagiarism. As well as you are sure that your assignments will be written from scratch by professional writer who specialized on the specific topic and subject area. Even more, we are pleased to say that all our customers are provided with unlimited free revisions, which allows them to update, modify and bring any corrections into their papers even when the paper has been already delivered. Also, we would like to put an emphasis on our flexible discount system which provides all our returning clients with an opportunity to get a lifetime discounts for essays and all other academic papers writing service. If you would like to try our service, you can do it even 15% cheaper than usually by using your first order special discount code. If you are a student, experiencing lack of time, have missed some classes or just need help completing your custom assignment due to any other reason, affordable papers provided by our writing company are exactly what you need. By hiring us, you hire an authentic affordable writing service which works for your goods. Order essays, term papers, personal statements, case studies, dissertations, book reviews and any other custom papers of superior quality with us at affordable price!
Monday, November 4, 2019
Construction Management Portfolio Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
Construction Management Portfolio - Case Study Example The report present here consists of detailed explanation on key management portfolios that are necessary in a large sized construction management operations. The key domains covered in the report are Health, safety and environment management, Quality management system, financial and commercial management, human resource management and document control process. Each of the portfolios is explained with reference to a particular project. The detailed account of the activities practised in each segment is also analysed with the standard set of practices or methods. This would help to understand the limitations and other obstacles the industry faces. Also, in some cases where the specialised sets of activities are not present, different set of examples have been chosen. Thus this report would help to get comprehensive information on the different managerial operations that are very vital to any construction management operation. In order to explain the operations suitable examples have al so been incorporated. The Also, the limitations and problems faced by managers are also explained. Larson and Toubro is one of the most respected companies in the South Asian region having expertise in the domains of technology, engineering, construction and manufacturing (Larson and Toubro, n.d.). Its activities across the last seven decades clearly exhibit the customer focus the organization has in addition to the organizational culture to quest for the quality. Its operations are spread across India and China, two fast growing economies that require huge infrastructural expansion. Its business is driven by clear strategic vision supported by wide marketing and customer support network. Commitment to society and protection of environment are the integrated well into the corporate vision (Larson and Toubro. n.d.). PART 2 HEALTH , SAFTEY & ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Example : Larson & Toubro. A brief about this section: The health, safety and environmental regulations would help to ensure the implementation of civil engineering projects by building them safely, using them safely and also maintaining them safely along with effective interventions to ensure lesser impact on the environment (HSE, 2007). Such initiatives would also help to reduce the overall cost of the project in along run by reducing any potential problems that could emerge during the life cycle of the project. The identifying the potential risk in various operations would help the client to plan appropriate strategies in the implementation process. This could be greater attention to the tasks that have higher risks associated with it while lesser attention to the tasks that have lower risk. The detailed management steps involved in the health, safety and environment management procedures in the construction programme is presented here using the example from actual
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Role of Homemakers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Role of Homemakers - Essay Example This is a predominantly principled debate that proposes that every homemaker should earn an equal salary from the government fund that is funded through taxpayer dollars. This can only be performed through tax rebates and tax exemptions that can be doled out through institutionalized processes set up for tax returns and auditing. A good example is America’s Internal Revenue Service or the Canada Revenue Agency based in Canada.The life of a homemaker entails a boundless amount of to-dos and demands. Provisional to the size of family and home, the position can extend beyond the typical 9 to 5. Way back in the 1950s, homemakers were anticipated to stay at home, while those who desired to work faced frequent stigmatization. Currently, it is the opposite of what used to happen: whereby women pity one another along the fault lines of economic class, conviction, ethnicity, and need. In the majority of developed nations, homemakers who stay at home are considered old-fashioned as well as an economic burden to the society. Observations from Lui, 2013, reveal that the daily chores of cleaning, raising their children, and cooking by these homemakers have continuously been ignored by national accounts. The majority believe that G.D.P. will go down if a man marries a homemaker and stops paying her for her work. In addition, G.D.P. will rise if a homemaker stops nursing and buys formula for her little baby. The United Nations, 2001, has noted that homemakers have been valued less than ever in a debated that equates women to men in raising productivity and economic growth through the labor market and labor market. Homemakers do face punishment in nations where mothers still struggle to balance career with family and thus quit work less out of conviction than necessity.
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